Our Ministries


At HCC, we believe we’re more than just a youth group. We are a close-knit family of young people who come from different ages and stages in life. Our ministry offers the opportunity to grow in community, and to form valuable and empowering friendships. We study the Bible and how Jesus teaches us to live in this current world. Outside of Sundays, there is also opportunity for youth to be mentored by Shara (our youth worker) or one of the Y13 leaders; this is to offer regular support and encouragement for our young people as they navigate the challenges of life. HCC Youth is also connected with our wider church whanau; we often take youth along to combined events and camps, as well as inviting leaders from different churches to speak into our space. Please don’t be shy to get in touch with Shara (022 4635 347) if you have any further questions. Otherwise, come join us and be a part of this exciting journey of faith, friendship, and fun!
Furthermore, if you feel passionate about joining any of our teams—whether you're a gifted leader, speaker, or musician—we always have a space for you!


We have a team of people led by our elder care coordinator Heather Hoad who care for seniors within the Mapua community by visiting and providing care and support when needed.

‘Senior Moments’, the name coined by our members, is a twice monthly get together at the Church. 
We provide a warm and welcoming environment where our seniors can enjoy friendship and conversation over a lovely morning tea. 
We also arrange a variety of activities for these meetings including guest speakers, quizzes and outings. 
Several times during the year we put on a delicious lunch.  Senior Moments and the lunches are open to all seniors in our community.  

We are happy to welcome new members and for further details you can contact Heather on 0274404022, heatherhoad4@gmail.com


KnK is a pre-school playgroup is run independently and supported by the Ministry of Education and HCC.

Members of our church also support this with premises, refreshments and help.

KnK runs from 10am to 12pm every Wednesday in term time. A great opportunity for kids play and caregiver chat.


HCC actively supports Christians Against Poverty (CAP). Living with unmanageable debt feels like being caught in a fast-flowing river.  Families in poverty share that before coming to CAP they had the sense that they were drowning. They swim bravely… but are soon exhausted, isolated, losing hope of rescue.

We have a CAP co-ordinator at HCC, and we can provide support and assistance in linking in to expert help in debt management and budgeting services.


Small groups meet regularly for bible study, prayer and mutual fellowship support.

There are men’s and women’s groups that meet on Monday evenings. We have a prayer group that meets on a Thursday morning. Something for everyone. Contact the church office to find a group that suits you.


Hills offers pastoral care support for all ages and needs. This may be a confidential discussion at the church premises, a home visit, or a phone call. This service supports a range of needs that arise from just living life and the challenges it brings, for personal and practical support. Our pastoral care leader can be contacted for a confidential chat through the church office.